Five Reasons Why Journaling Is Important and Why You Need to Start Today

Journaling and writing in a diary may sound nostalgic and something you’d only do in your early teens, but the concept has now become a crucial part of self-care. There are so many reasons why journaling in our modern-day context helps. From finding peace in a fast-paced life to improved communication skills, journaling most importantly allows one to empty the infinite content of one’s mind to create peace amidst chaos. This is why many studies have found that journaling can improve one’s sleep, and immune system, and can even affect one’s I.Q!

Read on to find out why journaling is important and why you need to start today.

Journaling Organises a Chaotic Mind

No one enjoys a mess, and that includes a mess of the mind! According to Dr Pennebaker, journaling and keeping a record of our life events can massively help organise what is going on in our minds. By journaling, we can help make sense of any major events, traumas and unpleasant moments. With the constant reminder of what’s going on around the world through our smartphones, we end the day with a head full of information which can be hard to process before going to bed. That’s why, it’s best to put pen to paper and pour out the contents of your mind to the point that you feel like you’re not carrying a load. You could go a different route and instead write three things you’re grateful for on that day or even three things you wish to do differently the following day. Take your time and come up with your own questions. 

Journaling Lets You Heal

The idea of releasing your thoughts and expressing yourself is almost synonymous with the concept of healing. In the same way that you talk to someone about your feelings, emotions and experiences, writing too can have similar effects on emotionally processing what you’re going through. As a result, the brain no longer holds onto any negative emotions and experiences and instead, the release allows your mind and body to heal faster. When you’re journaling, you’re entering into a domain that is not governed by rules and regulations, and that in and of itself allows you to express yourself the way you want. As a result, you’ll find that it’s convenient and beneficial at this point to let go of any traumatic experiences and negative emotions that you may have been hoarding away for a while. 

Journaling Improves Your Memory

It’s true! Journaling can go a long way in keeping your brain in excellent working order! In one way, as you’re releasing useless thoughts, experiences and emotions, you are allowing for more room for storage of things that do matter. What’s more, journaling by hand instead of on a smartphone or laptop, allows the brain to process things much better, making it easy to memorise. What’s more, writing things that interest you or give you pleasure can help you remember them better as there is so much more focus when one is writing as opposed to speaking. Other examples of how journaling can improve your memory include no longer having to remember things yourself, and not missing crucial details of a narrative, which would have otherwise been missed if you had not written things down. 

Journaling Increases Your Confidence 

Confidence is all about being one with your inner world and your inner self. When you have a good relationship with your inner self, you naturally feel more confident about yourself and the way you present yourself to the world. Having a good relationship with your inner self means trusting yourself and it also means being able to understand yourself better. What’s more, as journaling allows you to benefit in the above-mentioned ways, it also helps you to have a more clear mind, heal and build a good memory; all crucial steps in developing self-confidence. Don’t let a lack of self-confidence prevent you from progressing in life anymore. Start journaling today and remember that the quality of your life and your confidence can only be challenged and improved by you and only you. Whilst advice is out there on how to improve confidence, ultimately you are in charge, and by journaling, you’ll naturally build a better relationship with yourself. 

Journaling Makes You More Creative

As mentioned before, journaling does not come with rules, parameters or any restrictions. You write what you want when you want. Whether it’s your emotions, thoughts, experiences or ideas, journaling is like a blank canvas waiting for the artist (which is you!) to throw anything at it. In that sense, journaling is an art which allows you to express yourself in any way you like. By doing this, you unleash and release the power of the brain and mind to think and come up with ideas and thoughts you may not have considered before. What’s more, as journaling is extremely personal, there is no one to be embarrassed or ashamed of, which only takes creativity to a completely new level. If you’re looking to be more creative for work, personal reasons or any other reason, start journaling and you’ll notice the difference very quickly. 

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Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...

"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]

Tags: british muslim magazine, creative, heal, journal, journaling, memory, muslim life, stress, writing

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