Unmissable Virtual Events to Celebrate Black History Month 

An annual celebration of the efforts, accomplishments and achievements of people from African and Caribbean backgrounds, Black History Month has been a part of British history for centuries. Whilst the narrative can never be fully related in a month, the time allows us to share and understand how black people positively impacted the world. 

For many of us, the month is an important one on our calendars, especially with the events that have unfolded in the recent past. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the Windrush scandal, the nation has begun to realise that black people were not only targets of racism, but too often their contributions have largely gone ignored, and their narratives have been misrepresented. 

To engage better with this month – which is almost coming to an end – it’s ideal to attend one of the superb events held online. With a strong focus on discussions and collaboration, you’ll find everything, from virtual tours to forums and public speeches to workshops. 

black history month
Image Credit: Black History Month

Five Unmissable Events To Celebrate Black History Month

“Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man”

This virtual event will see author Emmanuel Acho discussing his book, ‘Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.’ Those intending to take part are kindly advised to read the entire book to be able to fully engage in the interesting discussion. Acho’s book is refreshing as it alludes to some truths that we all need to know when it comes to systematic racism. If you’re someone who has always been curious about systemic racism, get ready to be inspired! The Nigerian-American former linebacker has impressively written a one-of-a-kind book that impresses both the white and black communities, which is why this event will be popular!

For more information, click here.

Image Credit: Black History Month

Virtual Black History Children Workshop: Muhammad Ali

Where do we start with Muhammad Ali? While this popular event takes place at the beginning of November, it still is part of Black History Month. With a younger target audience in mind, the vision is to emphasise black racial identity, pride, culture, education and politics. By attending this online event, young people will be able to take a close look at the life of some of the most legendary black figures in history. This particular event explores the life of Muhammad Ali, who was not only an American professional boxer but also an ambitious activist. 

For more information, click here

Image Credit: Black History Month

Remembering Britain’s Black Servicemen and Servicewomen

Led by S.I Martin, this online talk will lay out the legacies of black men and women who died protecting Great Britain. Martin is an author, historian and journalist who has written several books, including one called ‘Britain’s Slave Trade.’ World War I and World War II were times of extreme hardship for many, with many Africans playing a key role in fighting for Great Britain. By delving into this topic, Martin will focus on why we should not forget this part of history which largely goes ignored in schools and universities. 

For more information, click here

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Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...

"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]

Tags: black history month, black people, british muslim, british muslim magazine, George floyd, heritage, history, london, Malcolm x, muhammad ali, muslim, racism, S.I Martin

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