Search Results For: Qur’an,

History & Heritage

Prophet Noah & his journey

Prophet Noah (A.S.), (β€œNuh” in Arabic), is considered as the third Prophet after Hazrat Aadam(Prophet Adam) and Hazrat Idris (Prophet Enoch). Noah (A.S.)was a simple man before his call to Prophecy and was highly devoted to andworshipped single creator almighty ALLAH (S.W.T.) and is the reason ALLAH (S.W.T.) gave somuch importance and respect to him. […]

History & Heritage

MuαΈ₯arram – A Month To Rekindle Faith

Since the great migration (hijra) from Makkah to MadΔ«nah, Muslims have been using the Islamic (hijri) calendar as the standard measure of time. The creation of the Islamic calendar was a great feat. It took a culture and transformed it into a civilisation. The calendar plays an important role in dictating dates for major acts […]

Features Shopping

Best gifts for Eid-ul-Fitr: presents for your children and loved ones

As the end of Ramadan is near and today marks the last friday (jumma) of Ramadan – the Muslim holy month of fasting – we have put together a few recommended gift ideas for your loved ones. Britain’s muslim community will have observed two Ramadans under the Covid restrictions, but with the pandemic nearly behind […]

Features Food & Drink Wellbeing

A Muslims Guide To Fasting

Ever wonder why many of our plans fail? Well, aside from setting unrealistic goals, the common mistake many of us make is failing to prepare. With Ramadhan being a month filled with significance, joy, hardship and rectification, it’s befitting that we prepare ourselves in as many ways as possible. Preparing mentally, physically and spiritually will […]

Features Wellbeing

The Importance of Self-Purification

Ibn Daud, an IT Management Consultant by profession, talks to Natasha Syed, Editorial Director, about his journey to self-publishing β€˜A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine’ and how it may benefit those yearning to address common illnesses of the heart such as anger, envy, extravagance and negative feelings, in the current modern, time-constrained and hi-tech era.  Tell me about your new book?  This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of […]


An Ideal Itinerary for Istanbul

Istanbul: the only city in the world that spans two continents.Β  This cosmopolitan city allows you to experience a taste of history, mixed with the opulent flavours of the contemporary. With something to see at the turn of every corner, Istanbul will leave you lost for words. From magnificent mosques to cruises along theΒ BosphorusΒ and tempting […]


British Muslim Magazine

Welcome to British Muslim Magazine, Britain’s leading Muslim lifestyle magazine offering inspiration, advice, shopping, food and halal travel advice to British Muslim audiences and international travellers. BMM is the perfect choice for everyone who wants to know more about our nation’s rich history and traditions.