Muslim in the city – Date nights – a nuisance or saving grace?

Single Muslim

If you are anything like me – a lady who juggles her time between working, house chores and mummy and wifey duties – then you will understand the importance of date nights… or should I say the significance of prioritising romantic outings.

How often do you set time aside for the person who was once the centre of your world – your lover? Okay, so in the ideal world the honeymoon period would never be over and, even though Disney fairy tale endings make us view life through rose tinted glasses, there is just not enough hours in a day to show your other half the love you once did: Or is the ‘not enough hours in the day’ just a lame excuse we all tend to use?

I can’t be the only one guilty of this crime. As women we juggle so much and try to squeeze in last minute chores that in our minds will take ten minutes, but actually can take much longer – because on top of those little household tasks you are also multitasking with several other things, right?

So in my home, one date night equals no talk about the usual stresses of life, and relaxing rather than running around like what can only be described as a hamster on a wheel! We spend an evening reminiscing about the way that we once were; our hopes, dreams and romantic desires. It is hard to switch from your everyday routine, so can this one evening a month help you get back on track with your other half and help you to appreciate one another again?

It has got me thinking – is it a deal breaker to not set aside a monthly rendezvous with your other half ? Should we be organizing more than one date night a month? How often should we be taking time out to spend with our signi cant other half?


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The adventurous spirit behind the pages of British Muslim magazine. As the Editor-in-Chief, Natasha leads with a passion for exploration and a pen dipped in wanderlust. With a keen eye for halal travel experiences and an insatiable curiosity for new experiences, she brings readers along on captivating journeys to far-flung destinations. Through her vibrant storytelling, Natasha invites readers on enriching adventures, where every experience is a window into the muslim world.

Tags: british muslim magazine, dating, getting married, muslim and single, muslim dating, muslim in the city, Muslim in the city - Date nights – a nuisance or saving grace?, shaadi, single muslim

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