Currently Browsing: Wellbeing

What Islam Says About the Environment and Sustainability

More than a thousand years have passed since the Prophet PBUH passed away, yet his teachings are still pumping through the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims to this day. With Islam deriving its teachings from only two sources, it has been claimed by many to be a practical, simple, applicable and relevant religion to adopt.  […]


The Best Health and Wellness Books: Seven Books To Better Health

Whether you’re looking to become physically active, be more mindful, become financially literate or simply feel more content, our list of health and wellness books will provide guidance, relief and answers.  I mean what can be better than reading words that someone wrote with such thoughtfulness, care and love? Books are timeless, and many times, […]


Five Skin Care Tips For This Winter

skin care

We might all love this cold and snowy season thanks to the long holidays and cosy evenings with the family, but the cold weather can leave our skin dehydrated and lips chapped. To help you maintain your skin care, below we’ve listed five ways to protect yourself this winter: Eat Well You might be thinking […]


Five Foods To Keep You Warm This Winter

It’s that time of the year again! The days are getting shorter and the temperature sure is dropping. I’m sure we can all agree that snuggling up in bed and staying warm is all we want to do! Winter can be a hard time for many of us, but we can get through it by making […]


Putting An End To Mental Health Stigma

Those with mental health conditions will agree that it’s not uncommon to be condemned or criticised. With name-calling, belittling and even mocking, the stigma around mental health will forever be a problematic concern. That is unless we begin to put an end to it. It may have been somewhat accepted in society hundreds of years […]


The five best mindfulness apps for stress management

stress apps

Stress is a widespread phenomenon, which is why the idea of ‘managing stress’ has become a highly sought-after skill. In an age of technology, developers have exhausted themselves in inventing ideas for the perfect app. An area that has enhanced over the recent years has been stress relief and management apps. Whilst some are not […]


British Muslim Magazine

Welcome to British Muslim Magazine, Britain’s leading Muslim lifestyle magazine offering inspiration, advice, shopping, food and halal travel advice to British Muslim audiences and international travellers. BMM is the perfect choice for everyone who wants to know more about our nation’s rich history and traditions.