Arabian Gulf cruises

10 years ago

The calm and warm waters of the Arabian Gulf have traditionally been the home of ancient Arab dhows and vast…

Lussory ‘Halal wine’ with 24-carat edible gold leaf released in Dubai

10 years ago

Containing no alcohol, “Halal wine” has been reportedly released in Dubai featuring a 24-carat edible gold leaf to add a…

John Lewis set to sell Hijabs in their London and Liverpool Stores

10 years ago

John Lewis is offering the hijab in its school uniform department in London and Liverpool for the first time in history.…

The Beauty of Morocco

10 years ago

Morocco is situated in Africa with quite some African heritage, but its common history with Al Andalus (Islamic Spain), its climate and…

Tea makes the world go round – and stopping for a cup of tea is popular in countries worldwide

10 years ago

The UK has been a big tea drinking nation since the seventeenth century.  At one point, the cost of tea…